
Berry Bliss Smoothie

Berry Bliss Smoothie

I asked our nutritionist Michaela to make a summer smoothie recipe for us.  Packed with seasonal ingredients the berries will give you antioxidants to support your skin.  Perfect Supplements Collagen gives you the necessary amino acids for vibrant skin, hair, and nails.

We want you to keep your glow all summer long.

Berry Bliss Smoothie

1/2 c peeled cucumber or steamed then frozen cauliflower or zucchini

1/2 a frozen banana

1/2 c blueberries 

1/4 c strawberries or cherries 

1T chia seeds 

Handful spinach 

1/2 T spirulina or greens powder

1 cup coconut milk (or milk of choice)

1/4-1/2 c water (to desired consistency)

1 scoop Perfect Supplements Collagen

1 scoop vanilla protein powder 

A hand full of ice 

Combine all ingredients in a high powdered blender and blend until very smooth! Top with your favorite yogurt or coconut cream, granola, and a drizzle of honey! 

Recipe by: Michaela Clauss

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