7 Books to Help you Overcome an Autoimmune Diagnosis
I founded Elaine Wellness after an autoimmune disorder diagnosis forced me to radically reexamine the connections between my health, diet, and beauty.
When the conventional treatment path for my Hashimoto’s and guttate psoriasis hit a dead end, I started reading everything, and I mean everything I could get my hands on about autoimmunity and diet. This crash course gave me a wealth of wisdom and insight, introducing me to collagen and launching my journey to recovery through a complete transformation of my diet. If you’re struggling with autoimmunity issues like I was, these books are a treasure trove of valuable information.
Dr. Susan Blum, The Immune System Recovery Plan
Start here! Dr. Blum healed her own autoimmunity, this book offers a great overview of autoimmune illnesses and strategies for healing.
Start here! Dr. Blum healed her own autoimmunity, this book offers a great overview of autoimmune illnesses and strategies for healing.
This is a very deep dive by a pharmacist into the root causes of Hashimoto’s, detailing the appropriate medical testing, supplement regimes, and ways to heal with food.
Dr. Sara Gottfried, The Hormone Cure & The Hormone Reset Diet
Dr. Sara Gottfried, The Hormone Cure & The Hormone Reset Diet
The Hormone Cure is a must-have for understanding women’s hormones and how to stay feeling your best. The Hormone Diet is a great reset protocol to optimize hormones and metabolism.
Dr. Myers also has firsthand experience with healing her own autoimmune conditions and shares all of her resources to heal the body through food and supplements in this book.
Dr. Brighten is a naturopathic doctor who’s gone through autoimmunity and taken hormonal birth control and seen the fallout from both. This is a must-have resource for women (whether you’re on hormonal birth control or not) to help understand your hormones and cycle, and how to optimize them through food and supplements.
Mickey Trescott, The Nutrient Dense Kitchen
A wonderful cookbook and resource for delicious, nourishing and healing autoimmune paleo recipes.
She’s an MD who was confined to a wheelchair due to the effects of MS. Through diet and supplements, she was able to reverse her illness and now rides her bike to work - watch her inspiring Ted Talk here.
I hope that you find these books as illuminating, challenging, and inspiring as I do! Always seek the guidance of your doctor or other qualified health professional with any questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition. Never disregard the advice of a medical professional, or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this Website.